The Bachelor’s degree in France: a path to excellence in higher education

The Bachelor’s degree in France has become a preferred option for students wishing to continue their higher education after the baccalauréat. Inspired by the Anglo-Saxon model, this bac+3 or bac+4 school-level qualification offers a varied, professionalizing and high-quality education. In this article, we explore the different characteristics of the French bachelor’s degree, its quality criteria, its professionalizing approach, and the evolution from the DUT to the BUT. The aim is to help students understand the challenges and opportunities offered by this path of excellence for their academic and professional future.

The diversity of bachelor’s programs in France

Bachelors in France offer a variety of disciplines, from the humanities and life sciences to engineering, business and the arts. They are available in both public and private establishments, with varying levels of selectivity. Bachelors are distinguished by their hands-on approach and close collaboration with companies, offering students opportunities for professional immersion. Some programs offer specializations and international partnerships to enrich students’ experience. It’s essential for students to find out all they can about these programs, so they can choose the one that best matches their professional aspirations and ambitions.

Understanding the Bachelor’s degree concept in France

In France, a Bachelor’s degree is a higher education qualification awarded by schools, universities or private institutions after three or four years of post-baccalaureate study. It is associated with 180 or 240 ECTS credits and corresponds to the bac+3 or bac+4 level. Three essential criteria for identifying good bachelor’s degrees are RNCP level 6 certification, licence visa and licence grade.

The Bachelor’s professional approach

The Bachelor’s degree in France is distinguished by its professional approach, with the emphasis on :

  • A program designed in collaboration with companies to meet market needs.
  • Project-based teaching to develop practical skills.
  • Periods of professional immersion through internships or work-study programs.
  • The acquisition of essential cross-disciplinary skills.
  • Preparation for successful professional integration.
  • The possibility of pursuing a Master’s degree to deepen expertise.

The evolution of the DUT towards the BUT

Since the start of the 2021 academic year, the DUT has been replaced by the BUT, a three-year diploma (bac+3) with the grade of licence. The BUT offers more professional training, adapted to the needs of the job market, while retaining the technical character of the DUT. The transition has been gradual, and BUT graduates benefit from greater academic recognition and new professional opportunities.

Selection procedures for a bachelor’s degree

To enter a bachelor’s degree program in France, selection procedures vary from institution to institution:

  • Parcoursup: National admissions platform for many programs.
  • Joint competitions: Some bachelor’s programs organize competitions involving several schools.
  • Specific selections: Some schools have their own evaluation procedures.
  • Academic requirements: Minimum baccalauréat grades or specific prerequisites may be required.
  • Additional assessments: Language tests, interviews or portfolios may be required.

Detailed information on each procedure is essential for a successful application.


In short, the Bachelor’s degree in France offers a diversified, professionalizing pathway for students seeking higher education tailored to the demands of the job market. With its practical nature, collaborations with companies and opportunities for professional immersion, the bachelor prepares students for successful integration into the professional world. The transition from the DUT to the BUT has also strengthened the academic recognition of this technological pathway. Finally, by familiarizing themselves with the various selection procedures, students can maximize their chances of entering the bachelor’s program that best matches their aspirations and career goals. The Bachelor’s degree in France thus represents a path of excellence for rewarding higher education and a promising professional future.



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