Category: Non classé

  • The Licence in France: the first step towards your academic future

    The Licence in France: the first step towards your academic future

    Find out more about the Licence, the first degree in the LMD system (Licence, Master, Doctorat). You’ll discover the essential features of this bac+3 diploma, its content, study and career opportunities, and its key role in French higher education. Whether you’re a high school student looking for information on your future academic career, or a…

  • The Master’s degree in France: Specialization and promising career prospects

    The Master’s degree in France: Specialization and promising career prospects

    The Master’s degree in France is a national diploma and a higher education qualification offering promising prospects for students. Comprising two distinct years, Master 1 and Master 2, this course of study enables students to specialize in a specific field and acquire advanced skills. In this article, we’ll explore the content and modalities of the…

  • The Bachelor’s degree in France: a path to excellence in higher education

    The Bachelor’s degree in France: a path to excellence in higher education

    The Bachelor’s degree in France has become a preferred option for students wishing to continue their higher education after the baccalauréat. Inspired by the Anglo-Saxon model, this bac+3 or bac+4 school-level qualification offers a varied, professionalizing and high-quality education. In this article, we explore the different characteristics of the French bachelor’s degree, its quality criteria,…

  • University Bachelors of Technology in France: a path of excellence for foreign students

    University Bachelors of Technology in France: a path of excellence for foreign students

    University Bachelors of Technology (BUT) are undergraduate programs in technological fields in France, offering a path of excellence for foreign students wishing to pursue their studies in a stimulating professional and academic environment. This article outlines the key features of the BUT programs, from admission to career opportunities, including the organization of studies and the…

  • The Brevet de Technicien Supérieur (BTS) in France: training for professional excellence

    The Brevet de Technicien Supérieur (BTS) in France: training for professional excellence

    The Brevet de Technicien Supérieur (BTS) provides students with recognized training that’s well suited to the world of work. With almost 200 specialties available in the agricultural, industrial and tertiary sectors, the BTS provides rapid access to a national state diploma at bac+2 level. In this article, we’ll explore the characteristics of the BTS, its…