AMOS – Sport Business School

Introducing AMOS Sport Business School – Where Passion Meets Professionalism

AMOS Sport Business School is the first network of 100% sport management schools in France. Choosing to study at AMOS means embarking on a path of continuous expansion in a market seeking new professionals who combine professional skills with in-depth knowledge of the sports industry.

Making Your Passion Your Career…

AMOS offers:

  • A unique network of campuses and schools exclusively dedicated to sport management.
  • Education focusing on both French and international issues in the sports world.
  • An unconventional pedagogy centered around real-life scenarios in partnership with sports organizations.
  • Training delivered by professionals and experts from the sports industry.
  • Specializations to develop expertise: Marketing Manager, Event Manager, Business Developer & Entrepreneur.
  • Two state-recognized certifications: “Responsable Marketing et Événementiel Sport” registered in RNCP Level 6 (Official Journal 14/02/2020) and “Manager des Organisations Sportives” registered in RNCP Level 7 (Official Journal 17/03/2016).

AMOS in Numbers:

  • 14 campuses: Paris, London, Bordeaux, Lyon, Lille, Nice, Nantes, Toulouse, Marseille, Rennes, Strasbourg, Montpellier, Aix-en-Provence, Valence.
  • Over 3,000 students.
  • First French school of sport management (Established in 2005).
  • 86% of graduates employed (Source: AMOS Graduate Employment Survey 2020).
  • More than 1,300 companies recruiting our students.
  • 40 partner universities worldwide (North America, Europe, Asia, Oceania).

Become an Expert in Sport Management:

As sports practices evolve and the sector professionalizes, AMOS collaborates closely with sports organizations to design courses that meet market needs. Drawing on our expertise in the sports job market and industry-specific roles, we offer three professional courses:

  1. 5-year Programme Grande École: Build a career in marketing, communication, management, and sports organization leadership.
  2. 5-year Programme Grande École International: Tailored sports management program preparing students for international careers.
  3. 3-year Bachelor Métiers du Sport: A short course to quickly enter the sports job market.

The School of Sports Management Professions:

Our graduates hold positions in various fields such as marketing & communication (sport marketing and communication agencies), commercial functions, event management (sports event organizations), media, sports organization management (sports clubs, sports federations, sports facilities), sports trading (online sports betting), and more.

How to Join AMOS?

  • Register for a concourse date on our website under the Admission section.
  • Complete your online application.
  • Participate in the remote concourse, outside Parcoursup.