Rennes School of Business

Established in 1990, Rennes School of Business is a private institution of higher education offering a multicultural learning experience. Our programs, including Bachelor in Management, Master Grande École, iMBA, PhD, and 15 Masters of Science and Masters in alternance (in Paris or Rennes), revolve around 5 innovative research centers, 1 pedagogical chair, 1 research chair, and the CUT (Center for Unframed Thinking). The CUT is the world’s first Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS) based in a business school. We also provide continuing education, certification, and diploma programs through Executive Education, including 1 internationally recognized EMBA.

International accreditations: EQUIS, AACSB, AMBA.

School in numbers:

2 campuses in Rennes and Paris 95% of international teaching staff from 40 nationalities 105 permanent professors 100% of courses in English 55% of international students 90 nationalities on the Rennes campus 350 partner universities 26 student associations 72% of our graduates work in internationally-related roles 90% of students employed within 6 months after graduation 3 Masters in alternance in Paris a network of 25,000 Alumni, offering 2,000 job offers annually, and organizing 100 events per year.

At Rennes School of Business, students experience a 360° international approach.

All courses are taught in English, and students spend at least one semester abroad at a partner university.

Their cosmopolitan experience is further enriched by an on-campus environment comprising 55% international students and a faculty that is 95% international.

Our programs are offered in initial training and alternance in Rennes and Paris.

Internships are an integral part of the Rennes SB curriculum.

Our programs:

Bachelor in Management: 1 international stay, 5 specializations, 13 double degrees, 8 months of internships over 3 years, 105 university partnerships in 51 countries, alternance in Paris or Rennes. Degree approved by the French State. Degree conferring the Bachelor’s degree level approved by the French State. 1 “Classic” track, 1 “English” track (100% in English), or 1 “Digital Engineering” track in partnership with ISEN, with the 3rd year being mandatory in alternance.

Top 3 in France (Le Parisien Étudiant 2022 ranking)

Accessible post-Bac via Ecricome competition:

Recruitment through competitions, post Bac+2, school competition:

Programme Grande École: 44 specializations, 3 special tracks (with IMT Atlantique and EM Strasbourg), 3 alternance programs in PGE in Rennes, 3 alternance programs in Master in Paris, 21 double degrees internationally, 14 MSc in Rennes, 360 partner universities. National Master’s degree approved by the French State.

Top 10 in France (2022 Financial Times ranking of the Best Masters in Management in the world: Rennes School of Business ranks 49th (+5 places) and is the top French Grande École and 3rd globally for the “International Experience” criterion.)

Recruitment through Ecricome and Tremplin competition:

Masters of Sciences: accessible with a dossier after Bac+3, specializations in 15 months, in Rennes or Paris, in initial or alternance. In marketing, supply-chain, luxury, culture and design, innovation, entrepreneurship, finance, data analytics, eco innovation, sustainable development, sport, or international management.

Open House Days at Rennes School of Business (Rennes Campus):

Saturday, November 19, 2022 – 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Evening) Wednesday, December 7, 2022 – 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Saturday, January 14, 2023 – 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday, March 11, 2023 – 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Open House Days at Rennes School of Business (Paris Campus):

(Evening) Thursday, January 19, 2023 – 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Saturday, March 25, 2023 – 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Degrees awarded:

Bachelor in Management BiM – Degree approved by the French State. Degree conferring the Bachelor’s degree level approved by the French State. Programme Grande École, accessible through Ecricome and Tremplin competitions. Approved Bac +5 15 Masters specialized in the fields of International Management, Finance, Marketing, Luxury, Cultural & Design Project Management, Sustainable Development, Supply Chain, Sport. 3 Masters in alternance at the Paris Campus 850 alternance contracts at Rennes SB in 2022 1 campus in Rennes 1 campus in Paris At Rennes School of Business, we believe that education should no longer confine students within a framework but enable them to break free from it. Thinking outside the box means learning differently, to venture differently. Exploring new domains, seeking answers to the questions we will ask ourselves tomorrow, creating a more inventive, creative, and ultimately… more humane future. Today, more than ever, the future belongs to open minds.

A “global” school of management

As a private higher education institution, Rennes School of Business is an international management school located in Ille-et-Vilaine, Brittany, whose mission is to prepare, through teaching and research, responsible and innovative managers to act effectively in a globalized environment.

Rennes SB stands out with a unique faculty comprising 95% of international permanent professors representing 40 different nationalities.